Archive: November 2013

Supporting Our Work of Chesed – An Invitation to Help from Rabbi Robert A. Nosanchuk

Posted on November 22, 2013

A new member recently approached me in the school wing of temple,  so gratified that he and his partner had chosen to make Anshe Chesed their home as a Jewish family. Another saw me after a Shabbat service, grateful for my assistance at the naming of his granddaughter, and asked me how he could best Continue Reading »

My Community, My Temple – by Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple President Stephen Schlein

Posted on September 19, 2013

Below are excerpts from the President’s Address at Rosh Hashanah Worship on 5774, shared by Fairmount Tempel President Stephen Schlein. We encourage you to comment below or share this posting with others to encourage involvement and engagement in Temple life. As your president, I have three goals for our congregation: • I want all members Continue Reading »

State of the Synagogue by Fairmount Temple President Jim Levine

Posted on October 19, 2012

These remarks were shared on Rosh Hashanah by our temple President Jim Levine, an annual High Holy Day tradition of hearing about the “state of the synagogue” from our lay leadership at the beginning of the Jewish New Year. We encourage you to read Jim’s report carefully, and respond with any questions below on the Continue Reading »