Archive: January 2013

Reversing the Trend: Rabbi Nosanchuk on Taking Action about Gun Violence

Posted on January 17, 2013

Due to the recent (January 16, 2013) announcement by the White House of an array of proposals and executive actions on responding to gun violence, and the array of congregants who are each week contacting Rabbi Nosanchuk’s office regarding our taking action, we are posting Rabbi Nosanchuk’s column from the forthcoming February Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Continue Reading »

“Of Farms, Faith, and Foreign Policy: Choosing Our Next President” by Fairmount Temple Stern Social Action Lecturer – Dr. Chris Seiple

Posted on August 31, 2012

Dr. Chris Seiple is the President of the Institute on Global Engagement in Washington, D.C. He will be presenting the annual Stern Social Action lecture during our Yom Kippur observances at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple on September 26th. His title for his talk on Yom Kippur is: “Engaging the Other on the Global and Local Continue Reading »