Archive: September 2015

A Nudder Vun: Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, Yizkor Memorial Service Sermon, Yom Kippur, Sep. 23, 2015

Posted on September 25, 2015

This post on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple is the Yizkor Memorial Service sermon from Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple on Yom Kippur, Sep. 23, 2015. We encourage you to share it on social media such as Facebook or Twitter, send it by email to Continue Reading »

We Remember 9/11 – cross-posted from

Posted on September 11, 2013

This brief but poignant blog post is cross-posted from the website and the blog JanetheWriterWrites.  The writer is the executive writer and editor at the Union for Reform Judaism. Additional writings can be seen on her blog, JanetheWriter Writes. We are posting it here on “If Not Now, When?” the interactive blog of Anshe Chesed Continue Reading »