Archive: September 2012

Ready to Be a Rav Ba-Yisrael – Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk; Rosh Hashanah Evening- Congregational Service Sermon

Posted on September 17, 2012

Below are the remarks shared by Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk at Erev Rosh Hashanah worship at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, in the congregational service on Sunday, September 16, 2012. We invite you to share responses, or to forward these remarks and the link to our blog to others, as we seek to engender important discussion and dialogue about Israel Continue Reading »

Making Pilgrimage to Israel

Posted on May 18, 2012

A group of teenagers this week asked me a series of questions for a school project about Israel and the Palestinians. I was appreciative of their visit, but troubled by several of the questions, including: “Rabbi, if the Palestinians win back all the land, how would they treat the Jews?” I stuttered. I stammered. I saw Continue Reading »