Archive: July 2012

“The Power of the Particular”: David Brooks, Bruce Springsteen . . . and Torah?

Posted on July 5, 2012

A recent Opinion piece by New York Times columnist, David Brooks, caught my attention. Entitled “The Power of the Particular”, the author used his observations attending Bruce Springsteen concerts in Europe to lift up an important point about holding close to one’s core orientation and history.  One particular moment caught Brooks’ attention. Along with 56,000 Continue Reading »

Embracing Interfaith

Posted on May 14, 2012

The impending holiday season evokes feelings of joy, faith, and togetherness. Yet, for some it is a time of conflict and struggle – particularly for families that include people who come from different faith traditions. I can identify. My Jewish mother and Italian Catholic father were both fairly disconnected from their faiths when I was Continue Reading »