Summer camp has come to an end. And a happy summer we had. The heat was sometimes a bit difficult to deal with. But, beyond that, everyone had a wonderful time. The campers were full of smiles, the volunteers made new friends and the teachers all taught, water-played, laughed and sweat! The flowers are calling for water. (Not that I am wishing on an August of torrential rains!) We “watered” the children instead. Lot’s of pool time. Lots of water play. Lots of cool drinks. We will be completely closed from July 30th throughAugust 10th.
Extended daycare will reopen at 7:30am on Monday, August 13th for children enrolled in our ECC for fall. Feel free to use it whenever you want. Don’t forget that we still have spaces in our extra fun Wacky Wednesdays and Thrilling Thursday programs. Our Parent Orientation is Tuesday night, August 28th at 7:15pm. This is probably our only event that children are not invited! You will meet your child’s teachers and hear a little about their programs. Please plan on joining us. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call any time after August 13th. Have a wonder couple of weeks and enjoy every minute you have with your kids. We do!!!!
Pam Deutsch, Director
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