February 12, 2025 -

Group of Religious School Teachers Attends Summer Conference – very worthwhile!

This annual “Teacher-to-Teacher” conference drew more than 300 educators from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Detroit, and some from all over the country! It was held in Detroit this year, with the theme “Reaching for Heaven, Standing on Earth.”

So many workshops were offered over the four days that it was hard to choose! I most enjoyed “Music and Media in the Classroom,” taught by Jewish rock star Rick Recht. He showed us how to take any piece of Jewish text and turn it into a “remix” song. He used his musical talents to demonstrate how effective it is to reach students of all ages with contemporary music.

Titles from my other workshops include “Stopping Post B’nai Mitzvah Drop-Out Starts with Pre-B’Nai Mitzvah Families,” “Teen Engagement,” “Starting the School Year – Classroom Techniques,” and “Read the Label,” which addressed issues facing children with special needs. I was part of a panel in another workshop that focused on technology. We viewed the fast-paced film “Connected” by Tiffany Shlain, and then talked about how technology shapes our lives.

Overall, it was a very worthwhile trip, and I’m proud that Cleveland’s Jewish Education Center of Cleveland is an important partner in this conference.

—Mrs. Ringel

This summer I had the privilege of attending the ‘Moreh L’Morim’ conference where I had a chance to meet educators from all over theUSA. The theme of the conference was “Lo Bashamayim He, Reaching for Heaven, Standing on Earth.”  The conference comprised a wide array of classes, each focused on a different topic, All were designated to provide useful tools for improving teaching, and expanding our own knowledge. I participated in a class led by our own Sue Arnold, focused on short stories by American Jewish authors we can share with our own students, thus allowing us to include Jewish literature, written by Jewish authors in the curriculum.  In another class, I had the opportunity to learn how to incorporate social media to better reach our younger and technologically savvy students, while spreading Jewish learning. During the conference, I was introduced to how to use Smart Boards in the classroom to present a more exciting and effective lesson. One of the highlights of ‘Moreh L’Morim’ the live concert starring Rick Recht, a top Jewish musician, as well as visiting theHolocaustMuseuminDetroit. It was a great experience and I look forward to participating in the next MLM.

-Mrs. Schwam